“Give yourself fully to God. He will use you to accomplish great things." Mother Teresa of Calcutta

Check here regularly for the most recent PTPA news.

  • Zoom 27June2024 - Amanda Cox, coordinator of the Haiti Family Care Network

    Our guest was Amanda Cox, coordinator of the Haiti Family Care Network - https://www.haitifamilycarenetwork.org/

    The Haiti Family Care Network is a collective impact movement for social change whose mission is “to be an educational catalyst and advocate for the shift from orphanage care towards family based care in Haiti.” Their vision is “that all Haitian children and youth are given the opportunity to thrive in families”

    The network serves as a hub for collaboration and resource sharing among organizations working with children, youth and families in Haiti. Their website hosts a tremendous number of resources that can benefit all of us.

  • Zoom 28May2024 - Dr. Milynn Swofford and Larry Hanby Eye Doc in a Box ministry

    Dr. Milynn Swofford and Larry Hanby joined us on our next Zoom call and share how Parish Twinning Program members can incorporate Eye Doc in a Box ministry in their overseas mission activities.

  • PTPA wants to establish more twinning relationships between Catholic parishes in the
    United States and Haiti, but to do so PTPA needs your financial support. Together with the
    other Bishops of the CEH, I would be grateful if you would consider making a generous
    donation to PTPA.
    Mgr. Max Leroy Mesidor
    Archbishop of the Metropolitan Area of Port-au-Prince
    President of the CEH

  • Explore here to view PTPA Zooms from the past.